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Devon Holden Devon Holden

Dragon Boat Festival

Dragon boat racing is a traditional Chinese water paddle sport.  It is a 40 foot long canoe-like boat that can weight over 800 pounds. Holding 22 athletes, it requires teamwork, timing, strength, and endurance to bring these boats distances of 100m sprints to 2000m endurance tests.

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Devon Holden Devon Holden

Mardi Gras

Celebrating Mardi Gras, involves lively and festive traditions, especially in places like New Orleans. Here are some popular ways people celebrate Mardi Gras:

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Devon Holden Devon Holden


Dust off those Skates, It’s time for some winter fun! There are so many reasons and here at These Days with Devon, we wanted to remind you to try skating again this winter. It’s a great workout and so much fun. Did you know that in and around Boston and beyond, there are some great public skating places?

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Devon Holden Devon Holden

Pampered Pooches

The rich and famous do it, so why can’t we…. We thought, why not feature some of the best pet stores around? It wasn't hard to find the top ones, and we’re thrilled to share this info with you.

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Devon Holden Devon Holden

Sitka: Exploring Contemporary Expressionism

Would you believe us if we told you that we've had the incredible privilege of meeting a living, breathing human rainbow? An individual so overflowing with color, passion, and life that it's like experiencing an explosion of vibrancy!

Indeed, we have, and his name is Sitka. We had the honor of immersing ourselves in the world of this artistic genius and his equally remarkable and creative wife, Helaine, at their Newbury Street gallery.

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Devon Holden Devon Holden


Spectacle Island is a 114-acre island in Boston Harbor, 4 miles offshore of downtown Boston, Massachusetts. It is part of the city of Boston….

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Devon Holden Devon Holden

Moving on to the Main Course

Boston is known for its seaport and the seafood that is caught there

fresh, and daily! There are many great summer seafood spots, but we particularly wanted to mention, or is that ask, about two of them...

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Devon Holden Devon Holden

Do It the Green Way!

Fun in the sun! The Greenway Walking Tour is a favorite activity of Devon’s and the perfect way to spend a spring/summer afternoon.

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Devon Holden Devon Holden

Happy PRIDE!

Celebrate the diversity of our home city of Boston by attending the GAY PRIDE PARADE on June 10th, 2023!

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Devon Holden Devon Holden

Memorial Day

Memorial Day honors America's military men and women who lost their lives in service to their country. We observe this holiday on the last Monday of May, a time of year when weather is warmer and schools and colleges are adjourning for summer break.

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Devon Holden Devon Holden


In 1914 Mother’s Day was officially established as a federal holiday when Pres. Woodrow Wilson signed an executive measure. Wilson’s measure declared that the second Sunday of May be a national holiday in the United States!

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Devon Holden Devon Holden

Hot spot

Also in April... If you want to add some color to your life, try Boston’s new hotspot, HUE!

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Devon Holden Devon Holden

Earth Day

Not a planter or gardener? You can still celebrate the earth... Earth Day 2023

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