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Devon Holden Devon Holden

Cinco De Mayo

Cinco de Mayo is celebrated to commemorate the Mexican army’s victory over the French Empire at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862. The battle was significant because it demonstrated Mexico’s ability to defend itself against a much larger and better-equipped French army.

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Devon Holden Devon Holden

Earth Day 2024


On Monday, April 22nd 2024 , here are some ways to celebrate Earth Day in and around Boston AND demonstrate your support for environmental protection.

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Devon Holden Devon Holden

St. Patrick’s Day

Boston is known for its lively St. Patrick’s Day celebrations, and there are numerous pubs and bars throughout the city that participate in the festivities.

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Devon Holden Devon Holden

Memorial Day

Memorial Day honors America's military men and women who lost their lives in service to their country. We observe this holiday on the last Monday of May, a time of year when weather is warmer and schools and colleges are adjourning for summer break.

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Devon Holden Devon Holden


In 1914 Mother’s Day was officially established as a federal holiday when Pres. Woodrow Wilson signed an executive measure. Wilson’s measure declared that the second Sunday of May be a national holiday in the United States!

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Devon Holden Devon Holden

Earth Day

Not a planter or gardener? You can still celebrate the earth... Earth Day 2023

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