Earth Day 2024


Earth Day is celebrated to raise awareness about environmental issues and to

inspire people to take action to protect the planet. It began in 1970 and is now observed annually on April 22nd. Earth Day activities often include tree planting, beach cleanups, recycling drives, and educational programs about conservation and sustainability. The goal is to promote a sense of responsibility and stewardship for the Earth, encouraging individuals and communities to make eco-friendly choices and support efforts to protect the environment. We are all for this and highly encourage our readers to participate in Earth Day 365 days a year! THERE IS NO PLANET B!

On Monday, April 22nd 2024, here are some ways to celebrate Earth Day in and around Boston AND demonstrate your support for environmental protection:

  • Attend the Charles River Cleanup

  • Visit the Framingham Earth Day Festival

  • Check out Newton’s Earth Day Festival

  • Attend MIT’s 2024 Sustainability Summit

  • Watch a free screening of earth days

  • Check out PEM’s “Our time on earth” exhibit

  • Take a hike or go for a bike ride

  • Visit a dog park with your furry friend!

  • Visit the greenhouses at the Lyman Estate in Waltham, MA

  • Check out a local farm for what we call Dinners in the Garden

  • Earth Day Celebration & Anniversary Party at Land’s Sake Farm in Weston, MA


The Boston Marathon


Dinners in the Garden