Spring Cleaning

First, we MUST recommend the book, A Soulful Home. This is one incredible publication that literally will help you transform your home into a truly amazing sanctuary.

Natalia Kaylin Is magic. She is a world-renowned Feng Shui expert and has been hired by top companies and executives, and other home owners and renters just like you to transform homes.

Now she shares much of her knowledge and wisdom about making your living space literally the home of your best dreams and best it can be! As she says: Your home is an extension of you. Through art, furniture, and other tokens of your time, your space tells your story. Your home reveals whether you are happy or sad, loved or lonely, content or anxious. Without an intentional touch, your home will tell a story you no longer want to live in. See what we mean. This is one woman who actually can help!!!

Soulful Home Amazon

The other book we suggest is Marie Kondo The Magic Art of Tidying Up. There is a reason millions of copies have been sold and she’s started an empire. This organizing aficionado offers first hand suggestions on how to quickly and easily get organized. You will not be disappointed. From her site: Enchanted with organizing since her childhood, Marie began her tidying consultant business as a 19-year-old university student in Tokyo. Today, Marie is a renowned tidying expert helping people around the world to transform their cluttered homes into spaces of serenity and inspiration.

Marie Kondo

You are probably thinking, I want to hire an organizer. Well, if you live in the metro west area of Boston, we can absolutely recommend Carrie from Spruce Home. She is terrific and super professional Renee calls her a wizard! “I didn’t think it was possible for my rooms to look like this. But, Carrie knows what she is doing. She truly amazes me.”

Spruce Home Organization

Other organizers we suggest if you don’t want to do all the tidying up and dirty work yourself: Tidy By Tina

And for professional cleaning services: May we suggest Two Maids in Newton, Mass.

So, don’t let March go by without first doing some tidying up and spring cleaning in your humble abode.

We promise it will improve your mood, help your sleep, and just make you feel better. We know, because as they say, we have been there and done that! We are always genuinely happy that we took the effort to tidy up! Then we can invite our friends and family over without any worry.

Thanks for reading our blog. We love our readers and Devon is truly appreciative for all your business and inquiries. She is here to help. Stay tuned. There is always more fun to come here at These Days with Devon...


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