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Devon Holden Devon Holden

Dog-Friendly Restaurants

Dev’s beloved LuLu (what kind of dog is LuLu) has barked her way into letting Devon know she would appreciate this post. So, LuLu and all the other wonderful dogs that have become part of our families, this one is for you:

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Devon Holden Devon Holden

Turkey Day Traditions and Delights

Thanksgiving dates back to the early 17th century when the Pilgrims and Native Americans celebrated a bountiful harvest together. Since then, many families have established their own traditions over the years, with cooking special dishes and desserts, watching parades, and participating in charitable activities, gathering together, and more.

We have many of our own traditions, and Dev is spilling the secrets on her best her family recipes!

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Devon Holden Devon Holden

HELLO JULY! Summer is Here!

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! Find out why New Englanders love their ice cream and where to get the best flavors! Get the scoop here…

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