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Devon Holden Devon Holden

Why We Love Golf!

Golf combines physical activity, mental challenge, and social interaction, making it a well-rounded and enriching sport. Whether you're seeking a way to stay fit, build relationships, or enjoy the great outdoors, golf offers something for everyone. Its accessibility, lifelong appeal, and the joy of continuous personal growth make it a sport worth trying. Most courses offer instructions so it's never too late to give this fantastic sport a try! Check out the best public golf courses near you!

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Devon Holden Devon Holden

Luxury Cape Cod

From elegant seaside resorts to exclusive hideaways, we’re excited to share our insider knowledge of the most luxurious and high-end places that will make your summer unforgettable. Luxury is not just a word; it’s our language, and Dev can’t wait to immerse you in it.

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Devon Holden Devon Holden

Naples, Florida

Naples is situated in Collier County, known for its white sandy beaches and the warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Naples is renowned for its pristine beaches, luxury amenities, and incredible culture & cuisine. This is the perfect vacation spots and Devon knows exactly how to make your trip perfect!

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